Over the years of educating graduate students and instructing for professional development and professional certification, many have asked where they could find good information. This compilation of links to Internet resources was started to fulfill those requests.
There are more than 200 hyperlinks to preparedness resources below, and each link has been placed under its most appropriate heading. Many links provide information pertaining to multiple subjects but were not duplicated under multiple headings. Codes, standards, professional practices, and guides are a good place to begin your research. Government agencies and NGOs are also great resources. We provide links to agency homepages, and additional links under separate headings for specific information available from the agency.
Suggestions for noncommercial websites are welcomed. Please email
U.S. Laws & Regulations
Occupational Safety & Health
Search regulations bulleted below from the "Laws & Regulations" link and entering the name in the search box.
Environmental Laws & Regulations
State Laws & Regulations
American National Standards Institute
ASIS International
ASTM International
Business Continuity Institute
Canadian Standards Association
DRI International
International Code Council (ICC)
International Standards Organization (ISO)
National Fire Protection Association
Property Loss Prevention
Natural Hazards
Physical & Operational Security
Information Technology/Computer Security
Information Applicable to All-Hazards
Review the Laws & Regulations and Standards & Professional Practices for additional links.
Emergency Planning for Individuals with Disabilities
Acts of Violence, Bomb Threats & Suspicious Packages
Hazardous Materials
Life Safety, Protective Actions for (Evacuation, Lockdown, Shelter-in-Place)
Natural Hazards
Thunderstorms & Lightning
Check out our
Preparedness Bulletins, they offer in-depth guidance into the development, implementation, and evaluation of emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management programs.