Welcome to Preparedness, LLC

“Our mission is to safeguard people, protect property, minimize business interruption, and protect reputations. Our vision is to thoroughly understand each client’s business and become a long-term trusted adviser.”

Our Services

We assess risk; develop loss prevention and hazard mitigation strategies; and develop, implement, and evaluate emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management programs.

Emergency Management

We develop standards-based, all-hazards emergency plans; organize teams; train members; facilitate exercises; and evaluate internal and external capabilities. We develop custom planning documents designed with flowcharts for ease of use in hard copy and on screen.


Business Continuity

We build business continuity programs and a culture of resiliency by assessing supplier, facility, equipment, and technology risks; conducting a business impact analysis to establish priorities and identify resource requirements; facilitating development of continuity and recovery strategies; and compiling a plan that is actionable.


Crisis Management

We build crisis management programs by building an integrated management and communications organization; developing tools and processes to identify and assess issues; and building tools and practices to select and implement strategies. We provide training and exercises for managers and executives to implement the program.

Risk Assessment

We provide a clear understanding of risk—threats and hazards, potential impacts, and probabilities of occurrence—that is the foundation of risk management, emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management programs.

Loss Prevention & Hazard Mitigation

We survey facilities, evaluate hazards and vulnerabilities, and develop detailed recommendations for loss prevention, deterrence of human-caused acts, and hazard mitigation using the latest national codes, standards, and insurer requirements.


Education & Training

We educate to inform and train to establish competency. Our objectives and standards-based materials include activities to educate and train executives, team leaders, and team members. We train employees so they know how to respond safely during an emergency.


Drills & Exercises

We develop, facilitate, and evaluate drills so people can practice what they need to do to protect themselves and carry out assigned tasks. We develop, facilitate, and evaluate orientation, tabletop, functional, and full-scale exercises to identify planning and resource gaps and familiarize team members with plans.

Program Evaluation

We use the criteria in national standards and our decades of experience building programs to assess the strengths and weaknesses of emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management programs. Our reports identify noncompliance with regulations, nonconformity to standards, and detailed recommendations to enhance capabilities.

Our Qualifications

We’ve led the development of international standards on emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management. We’ve written the books. We've taught at the graduate level and instruct for state government and professional certification.

Standards Development

Published Books

Professional Certifications

Our Experience

We have worked in a diverse range of industries for more than 35 years.

The foundation of our expertise is a sound understanding of hazards and impacts. Loss prevention, hazard mitigation, risk financing, emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management programs are all built on that foundation. Our experience comes from working within corporate risk management, the insurance industry, the public sector, and working with numerous clients in most major industries.

Client Service

Our goal is to exceed the expectations of every client.
We are honored that these clients have spoken on the record about our services.

“At the onset of the pandemic we really were in a good place thanks to Preparedness, LLC's business continuity planning assistance. Implementation of their recommendations enabled us to seamlessly transition our corporate workforce to work remotely, serve our customers, and maintain our cash flow.”

Brooke Rieman, Risk Manager
The Wills Group

“Preparedness, LLC provided expert assistance with the development of business continuity plans for our USA and Mexico manufacturing facilities. Their facilitated planning process and project management abilities were instrumental in the timely completion of multiple projects. Their professionalism kept us on track to achieve timely project completion.”

Tim Sullivan, Vice President,
Hitchiner Manufacturing Co., Inc.

“Preparedness, LLC helped us develop a business continuity plan for our printing and thermoforming operations. They provided customized tools and guided the analysis of our critical business processes and the identification of recovery strategies and requirements. I’m confident that we are now well prepared.”

Nick Carafa, President,
Packaging Graphics, LLC

“I wanted to thank you for your work designing, facilitating, and evaluating the “active shooter” exercise in August. It provided an excellent opportunity for our officers and command staff to train, test, and evaluate our ability to respond to a school-based shooting. The after-action report that you prepared is very professional and will help with our continuous improvement.”

Kevin Coppinger, Chief,
City of Lynn Police Department

“Preparedness, LLC developed a comprehensive, emergency operations plan for our portfolio of Class A office buildings in the USA. The plan is well organized and easy to navigate—especially the digital version with its hyperlinks. The Incident management forms, checklists, and annexes for building and resource information are highly useful. These new documents have substantially enhanced our preparedness and compliance.”

Stuart Gordon, Senior Managing Director
Metzler Real Estate

“Preparedness, LLC conducted safety and security audits of dozens of schools. The assessments were very comprehensive and reports provided specific guidance. Their interactive process for development of emergency planning documents enabled my office, police, fire, and the school district to provide input into a highly professional and easy to use document.”

Richard E. Ferreira, Director,
Taunton Emergency Management Agency




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