Updates on our contributions to the profession.
January 28, 2021. Donald L. Schmidt, CEO of Preparedness LLC, presented "Winter Preparedness & Response" for Continuity Insights’ Webinar Series. Risk assessment, preparedness for arctic freeze and winter storms, incident management, and safety were addressed. Access this webinar on the Continuity Insights website, and download the Preparedness Bulletin.
November 5, 2020. Donald L. Schmidt, CEO of Preparedness LLC, authored “Civil Unrest: Demonstrations, protests, and rioting” for the Risk and Resilience HUB. This paper addresses the potential for civil unrest, weapons and tactics, vulnerability and risk assessment, security and life safety, response to civil unrest, and workplace violence. Read the Preparedness Bulletin on Civil Unrest.
May 31, 2019, Donald L. Schmidt, CEO of Preparedness LLC, authored “NFPA 1600 2019 Edition: A Resource for Every Practitioner’s and Auditor’s Toolbox” for the launch of the new Risk and Resilience HUB website. The article was also distributed by the Continuity eGUIDE. Read more … For more information on NFPA 1600, check out our NFPA 1600 resource page.
April 30, 2019, Boston, MA. Donald L. Schmidt spoke at RIMS2019, the Risk & Insurance Management Society's annual conference, on the value of the business impact analysis (BIA) to risk management. He explained how the BIA identifies vulnerabilities and opportunities for risk mitigation. He also addressed how the BIA provides a methodology for quantifying business interruption and prioritizing the recovery of business operations. View the presentation.
April 3, 2019, Cambridge, MA. Donald L. Schmidt presented to Cambridge Fire Department’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), which is comprised of public safety, schools, and business and industry within the city. The presentation addressed elements of emergency management, business continuity, and crisis management and how NFPA 1600 can be used to enhance resilience. Download the presentation and Preparedness, LLC’s 200-question self-assessment tool to evaluate your program using the latest edition of the standard as criteria.
March 6, 2019. NFPA has published the 2019 edition of NFPA 1600, “Standard on Continuity, Emergency, and Crisis Management.” In this webinar Don Schmidt, past chair of the committee, reviewed the new and revised content in the 8th edition of this important international standard. Access this webinar to learn how you can use this tool to improve your organization’s resilience. Review our "NFPA 1600" web page for information about the standard and to access tools to help with program development, implementation, and assessment.
November 7, 2018. Donald L. Schmidt presented “Practical Tips for Continuity Planning: From Impact Analysis to Executable Strategies and Plans” to the Safe+Ready Institutes 2018 Virtual Summit. Topics including project management, planning scenarios, risk assessment, business impact analysis, continuity strategies, resource needs, plan development, incident management, and implementation were covered. Click here to download the presentation.
February 13, 2018, Nashville, TN. Donald L. Schmidt and fellow DRI instructor, Harvey Betan, presented “Strengthening Your Program by Auditing” at DRI’s 2018 professional development conference in Nashville. Project management, collecting “evidence,” corroborating information gathered, and using objective criteria to identify program gaps were covered. Click here to download the presentation. Be sure to check out Preparedness, LLC’s audit guide and bulletin “Auditing Your Preparedness Program”
NFPA 1600, 2016 Edition
March 19, 2015. Donald L. Schmidt, CEO of Preparedness LLC, presented "Using NFPA 1600 to Develop Your Preparedness Program" to the Alaska Partnership for Infrastructure Protection. APIP is a group of private, for-profit organizations, government organizations and non-governmental organizations dedicated to increasing infrastructure resilience in Alaska.